Instytut Dziennikarstwa i Komunikacji Społecznej


Uniwersytet Wrocłaawski

Media Content Creation


The Media Content Creation direction is a response to the needs of modern societies and economies in which reliable information becomes a key capital. Graduates of the field are prepared to act as researchers of media and various communication mechanisms, and are also prepared to act as journalists and employees of various media-related institutions. In accordance with the planned learning outcomes, the graduate acquires specialized and in-depth knowledge in the field of social communication and media sciences, research skills for analyzing media phenomena, including manipulation and disinformation, as well as numerous competences for working as a media researcher. At the same time, he gains the knowledge and skills necessary to work in various media sectors (press, television, radio and digital media). The great advantage of the studies is their international nature and the great emphasis placed in the educational process on content related to intercultural and international communication. Graduates of English-language studies in Media Content Creation will be prepared to work in international media, in international teams, and will also have competences to describe intercultural and international issues.